About Us
Welcome to Pjcinfotech !
Pjcinfotech is a premier education institute in providing aspiring IT professionals, career-oriented courses since 2013. The institute has trained almost 15,000 students through online services and educational networks. Whether you are passionate about a bright career in hardware and networking, aviation and hospitality, or digital and information technology, Pjc infotech is the one to
help you get the right skills to move up in your career and follow your passion.
The company’s vision is to provide the best of services to its clients in the field of Web Development, Mobile App Development, Software and Desktop App, ERP and Management, and Digital Marketing. The company strives to keep itself abreast with the latest changes for optimal performance.
Apart from IT consultancy and software development company also provide training to aspiring students. We have a team of experts in all the fields. Students are encouraged to use their creative skills to work on live projects. After completion of training, students are absorbed in the company itself.
The company provides an encouraging environment for the employees. They get to work in a motivating and competitive environment which enhances their performance and productivity.
We Believe
The main source of human progress is learning.
Life has always something new to teach you, and it will.
Learn new skills,
Explore them to build,
Change for the best.
Your investment in gaining knowledge is never a waste.
Invest for yourself,
Your families,
Your career.
PjcInfotech is always there to help you,
Learn from anywhere, anytime for your transformation.